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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

nearly 2 weeks have gone.
dat u have been away.
its pain for me to count e daes.
for u to b back.
luckily im bz w attachment.
so my mind can b distracted w e work loads.
but its onli distracted half of e day.
n wat did i do e other half?
tinking abt e memories dat i had spent time w u.
counting e daes for u to b back.
its killing me so much.
im waiting for u to come hm.
pls turn e clock fast.
s i miss him much.

i hv spending e time doing attachment.
my last term.
my last posting of attachment.
n after dis.
i will in my reality world.
no student fare.
no exams.
no school uniform.
no more of going home early due to time table.
gonna miss those moments dat i had in sch.
with e people dat i always w.
memories since starting of e term.

im gonna hv ite bshn alumni on e 11th dec.
not sure if i can go.
hopefuli mak will let me.
s sis big dae is on dat weekend.

9:42 PM ♥

Monday, August 31, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

for u. mr t

dis part is reali meant for me?
i guess so.

'..ku akui aku merindukan mu
meski ternyata tak pernah kau merindukan ku
tapi ku tak pernah bisa
melakukan apa yang seharusnya ku inginkan
kerna memang kau bukan milikku..'

8:25 PM ♥

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

im nt at hm nw.
i didnt go hm.
run away.
mcm paham je aku ni.
im overnght-ing at my aunt hse at pasir ris.
near to sch compare to my hse.

had my sims training js nw.
its abt code blue.
class was being split into 2.
my grp done e theory part 1st.
didnt concentrate dat much in e theory part cos e other half was doing e cpr.
climbing up bed n do e cpr.
cool kape.
den its my grp to do it.
unlucky me.
was chosen for e role play.
me, azmi, nusrat n joseph.
was tagging nusrat all e way seh cos i was so blanko.
n thx 2 azmi.
he 'guided' us through e whole role play.
n e lecturer praise dat our grp was e best.

im nt gg 4 dis coming camp.
tk ramai budak yr 2 going for e camp.
dis weekend im having family dae under mosque.
dnt even noe wats e prog 4 e dae.
most probably will b helping out in giving out e tulang.
yum yum!

7th wk is coming.
n i hv 2 more wks b4 my exams.
time passes fast la seh.
i didnt even start doing my revision.
pls start ur revision nw!
pemalas nk mampos!
n after exams, der will b attachment.
n dis term attachment will b different.
cos i will b having a nght shift.
hearing all those stories frm e experienced nurses.
doa je la k.
tabahkn hati mu aziah.
all e best to me.

puasa coming.
n my daes r all burnt w mosque activities.
so huever wanna iftar-ing w me, tell me in advance.
its almost full 4 my ramadhan mth.

11:17 PM ♥

Saturday, August 8, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

im back.
im still alive.
kinda busy with school work and stuffs.
recently had my psychiatric class test.
ok2 la i did dat paper.
slept twice for it.

date dues for projects are js around e corner.
for both behavioural sci II and psychiatric.
had finished my psychiatric s its a solo project.
i did anorexia nervosa for it.
i tink der is js some part of e project dat i have not yet complete it.
but i dono at which area.

celebrated nurses dae las mon in sch.
celebrated js with e yr 2s.
had it at e mlt.
had fun.
1st few performers didnt make e atmosphere alive.
till 1 of e performer frm e wda class performed a bangra dance.
n its a she.
power to e max la.
e background was cheering for her n make extra sound.
den e las performer.
didnt expect dat he can sing well.
cinta arjuna - malay n chinese version.
wanna hu?
it was my class advisor.
n nw, wenever we met him in class.
we will sing dat song, n he continues.
cute kn?
oh ya.
n hes fav song is nobody by wonder girls.
e whole cohort made him dance.
cute. super.

3:46 PM ♥

Sunday, July 12, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

las tues i had 3 hours break.
n tues is psychiatric dae.
all the way psychiatric.
since azmi drives, e gang went to popeyes at changi airport for lunch.
parked e car at t3 n had our lunch.
we laughed w e jokes n stupid acts made by us.
after ate lunch, we went to t1 for a walk.
after t1, we travelled to t2.
we took skytrain to reach those terminals.
reached t2, we saw dis shop 'urbanconcept'.
my legs were itchy to go in to e shop s i saw a canvas bag of elmo.
freak of elmo i m.
recce e shop n saw a finger puppet, dat comes along w landyard.
i was to excited to c dat.
i bought it, elmo comes w blue landyard.
buddy bought cookie monster w red landyard.
i wanna red landyard, so we exchanged.
so cool.
nxt attempt will b e elmo wallet, followd by dat canvas bag.
a BIG FAN of elmo.
i had collection of elmos.
soft toys - big, medium, small.
tissue w elmo.
facial blotters w elmo.
hp pouch is elmo.
wallpaper is elmo.
small bag is elmo.
alot la.
so ppl.
if u wana get me a bdae present, u shld noe wat to buy for me k?

i have passed my BCLS course.
basic cardiac life support.
2 days of tension n stress helps me to concentrate more on the practice.
morning practice, afternoon test.
during eh 1st dae, it was difficult.
cos i didnt noe nothing abt all these.
slowly adapt e environment, i managed to do it.
1st dae was being tested to do infant chocking n cpr.
i get confused w chocking n cpr wen it comes to e test time.
instead of choking, i did cpr.
phase test was the one man cpr.
tu lagi tension cos i nd to do 5 cycles = 30 compressions 2 ventilation.
non stop cycle.
by e time im in the 3rd cycle, im out of breathe to do e ventilation.
after i did everyting of e 5 cycles, e batteries of e mannequin died.
n at e same time during e test, it was being printed out, to c if i did e cpr withing e time xpected.
i was kanchiong s i was scared to do it all over again.
but i took it w open arms.
at least i can do it over again w e reason of batteries.
e lecturers actd fast n changed e batteries.
n slamat, i dont nd to do it again!
it print smoothly.
so overall, i passed all e test w 1 attempt.

12:18 PM ♥

Sunday, June 28, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

2 daes posted in imh..
reali test my patience..
i cnt admit dat dis 2 daes of posting is much more challenging den e previous posting dat i had b4..

e '1st dae' of attachment..
after being 3 daes of approved leave..
admit dat i was lost..
nt onli me, but buddy too..
so my colleagues hu was in e same shift s me..
showd me e patients hu is e do n dnts..
so i js nodded my head..
den while dis patient was walking here n der..
w his pillow at his hand..
he walkd towards me n slapped me..
b4 dae, eqa asked me to elak..
i was blankd, reali blanked..
but luckily his slap was nt s hard s i get b4 frm a fren of mine..
since den, i was phobia to go near him..
might nt noe if i get another slap frm him..
luckily der was abel to b my pillar frm hiding..
thx abel!

den, i sat with dis grp of ppl..
hu was doing their art..
i was indeed surprised w e talents dat dey had in dem..
drew exactly dat was drawn in e book..
den dis malay pakcik, askd my name..
i told him..
den askd me if i was married..
i said no..
n noe wat he askd me?
askd me if i wanna married to him?
i lookd at eqa, she lookd at me..
we were speechless..
so i js go e flow..
keep saying no n no..
seram dok!

den on e same dae, after dinner..
dis pakcik was critisizing us..
he even sumpah firdaus to b stupid forever..
hearing all those wrds dat came out frm his mouth..
i felt like i wanna talk back..
nt even me..
e rest hv dat same intention too..
but we nd to b strong in facing all dis environment..

e las dae of attachment..
we had a debrief w her..
so indeed a funny debfrief..
she told e grp abt wat she like abt firdaus..
she like e way he walks..
like a penguin..
after e debrief, we went back to wrk..
so i was sitting w cute patient of mine..
loking ard e patients if dey r doing fine..
so i was eyeing dis patient hu was on wheelchair..
he hv wobbly legs..
he stand up, unbalance n fell..
i quickly support his back..
n noe wats e nxt injury?
he slammed my bone fingers at e end of e point of e chair..
noe hw painful it was?

we ended our dae early..
i indeed enjoy e posting alot..
makes e bonding w e grp more tighter..
n ups n dwns doing attachment w buddy..
love u ppl!

below r e photos dat me n buddy had during e student seminar..
btw shes taken!

12:47 AM ♥

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

international student seminar 2009..
is officially OVER..
i had fun, reali..
e team mates hu is so gerek..
didnt fail to make me laugh..
n nt onli dat..
i get to take pics w e 'hunky bong ki ki' frm germany..
wanna c e pic?
i will js upload a few pics frm each dae..
is dat ok w u?
e rest i shall post it to my facebook..

dae 1..
its an opening ceremony..
progs hv been lined up for us..
s told in e previous entry, im nt in e same grp s dem..
so e new 1 is kinda ok for me..
though me n buvi r e onli gals in e grp..
buvi didnt fail to make me stop laughing during e opening ceremony..
safwan was even wondering y me n buvi were laughing non stop..
do u wanna noe y?
cos e 'hunky bong ki ki' sat rght behind our row..
buvi actuali askd me to zoom in n take pics of dem..
n yes!
i did to capture dem..
in e afternoon, after lunch..
we went for heritage tour..
went to suntec city area n raffles place..
heard frm e international grp dat dey r kinda disappointed..
cos dey didnt get to go to heritage places such s kampong glam, chinatwn, etc..
oh well..
me n buvi had our own world..
n again..
after e visiting, we went to vivo for dinner..
i didnt went w e current grp s 1 of e member is a vegetarian..
n i seldom eat dat green stuffs..
furthermore, dey wanna eat at chinatwn..
n i was 50/50 abt it too..
so i went to joind my former grp for dinner..
n guess wer we had our dinner?
lapar dok..
fazli didnt joind us..
he went hm early, s usual..




dae 2..
dis dae was a sleepy dae for me..
i actuali slept during e whole talk n presentation..
ders no buvi, no safwan, no fareed..
so left me, sam n husni..
pathetic dnt we?
luckily by lunch, buvi n fareed r back..
after lunch we went to y.o.g learning centre..
n guess wat me n buvi do in e middle of e talk?
we slept!
n we sat at e 2nd row..
nght has come..
n its time for our social nght under e student seminar..
everyone was looking smart n pretty..
it was held in sch, of course..
n e indoor stadium was turnd into a clubbing hall..
buddy was enjoying herself..
till she dragged me along..
gosh! yakdush!
i didnt went dwn to e 'dance floor'..
so took e opportunity to take more n more pics w e honkers s well s e 'hunky bong ki ki'.. haha..
dey even put their arm ard my shoulder!
left e hall ard 2130hrs..
if nt i wanna stay till it ends..
luckily my memory card is oredi full..
went to take cab back to pasir ris s family was at aunt hse..




dae 3..
we had bfast, closing ceremony n lunch..
dats it!
short n sweet..
after e seminar, me n e rest sat in c1 to hv our lunch..
dey bullied me by irritates e balloon sound..
i dnt like, u noe?

overall, i had enjoyed myself..
i forgot eevrything abt attachment till todae comes..
i hv 2 more daes of attachment b4 e term ends..
n both daes i will b in e afternoon shift..
at imh!

10:47 PM ♥

hollaa! ♥



Hate me , click here .
Love me, You're welcomed by me :D

about me ♥

nur aziah roslan
see e world on 28 dec, capricornist
taking gd care of her sony dsc h5 camera
alaf 21 book or creative enterprise if she have any.. shes lovin' it =P
loves e ppl hu is ard her, esp her family n her besties
loves to hang ard w her frens n spend time w dem
loves elmo much

1. to get her licence as soon as possible
2. to owe a dslr camera
3. to have a successful career

love who ♥

1. family and relatives
2. besties
3. classmates n kaki gereks frm cp grp, esp buddy

ear therapy ♥

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

talk to me ♥


credits ♥

Designer : smallestLOVE__
BaseCodes: ?Sweet.suicidal/:D