Saturday, October 18, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
2 tings dats happening to me currently..
1. im starting to read eng books!!gosh..
wat hapen to my malay novels?
i used to HATE eng books, n kp buying my malay novels wen i hv e chance 2 buy it..
or even askd my cous to buy 4 me..
n nw, ever since i bought dis buy-1-get-1-free book of sophie kinsella..
i kp myself reading eng book nw..
currently im reading book frm jane green..
n i js bought another boko frm sophie kinsella..
e continuous frm e book dat i read..
n im nt updating my malay novels..
dats v sad seh..
can i hv my new novels soon?
2. im craving 4 chocs latelyi dnt even noe y im craving 4 chocs lately..
js bought mars frm e ntuc..
wats hapenning to me?
tmrw jln raya w e youths..
n tmrw e families gg to jb 2 visit my grandma..
i miss my grandma la..
2 replace my place..
i actuali develop pic of me n her..
during raya las yr..
i miss her..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
hello ppl!!
im here..
attachment hv startd ydae..
i was sent to renal ward, ward 55..
dis wk was still under get-to-noe-e-ward better..
we even hv deputy nurse manager in e ward..
e patients r all e grandmas n grandpas..
hv dis patient in my cubicle..
we named her 'call bell queen'..
1st dae of attachment je da label her dat..
she holds e call bell 24 hrs..
press e call bell wenever she feels like doing it..
ie wen she wakes up frm nap..
n wat she askd 4?
'missy ah.. batu.. batu..'
guess wats e batu means?
ice cubes..
can sae shes e queen of ice cubes la..
all e meals she dnt wana eat..
n all she eat was ICE CUBES..
n her fav word if she cnt get e ice cubes..
'aiyo.. aiyo.. aiyo..'
n she complains dat she gonna die soon..
n press again e call bell..
to kp e noise pollution dwn, we gv her e ice cubes..
she got it..
n she will kp quiet n goes to sleep..
n e moments she wakes up, call bell again..
n e process kps rotating..
todae was consider e bad luck dae..
was waiting 4 e train at jurong platform..
was w e rest of e colleagues after i met a fren..
den i felt ders a drop on my head..
thought its a rain drop since it was raining at dat time of moment..
so i went to touchd it..
it was slimy, greenish n hot..
its e bird shit la dey..
i was like cursing e bird soon after i got it..
lucky i was w e rest..
Monday, October 6, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

selamat hari raya aidilfitri..
maaf zahir dan batin..
salah dan silap ampun ya!
can i sae dat raya dis yr was SUPERB?
my collection still running,s usual..
dis is e gd ting wen ppl, esp ur relatives noe dat u r schooling..
gd rght?
raya dis yr mcm tk meriah mcm dulu..
gaknye kite2 ni semua da besar panjang kot?
tp wen it comes to weekends, mak oi..
leh patah tulang seh..
dapo je la kejenye..
can sae being e part time maid 4 both weekends..
but luckily e las weekend, adik was being cooperative..
kak wasnt ard due to submission of sch project..
n b4 she went, she brought her guest hm..
tu pon dpt duit raya frm dia la sey..
gerek kape??
maternal sides hv been coverd,half of it..
paternal sides nt yet completed yet..
dis wkends, both, im nt available..
11 w sembawang sec, 12 w missy..
n 13 starts my attachment!!
19 w e youths..
so these 3 dates im nt available..
so ppl, sape nk dtg..
beep2 ya..
my no is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..
pegi la guess ya..
n for goodness sake??
wats rong w hotmail account?
i cnt open my mails..
i cnt delete my unnessary emails..
n my inbox is like wow!!
i nd a solution!!