Monday, July 21, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
saturdae,19 july 2008
phase test..
i was kinda nervous e nght b4..
i even slept late to do my las min prac..
noe wat time i woke up on dat dae?
its 0450hrs..
u can sae dat im kanchiong..
im in e 8am slot..
left hm s per normal,s hw i usuali leave hm to sch everydae..
6.20am,e bus hvnt yet reachd..
i waited with patience..
it comes ard 6.30am..
msgd wani n azmi dat i js board e bus..
wanted to take a nap s i usuali do..
but i cnt do it..
e ride was slower den usual..
my heart beating fast each min passes..
all dat i mentiond above, doesnt matter to me..
cos i noe,est my time, i wldnt b late for my reporting time..
time checkd..
it was 0720hrs..
i was supposed to reach tamp interchange oredi..
but due to e lateness of e arrival of e bus n e slow drive..
n frm wer my location was..
i est my time dat i can reach in abt 5 mins more..
but den!
i was super duper rong!
e TIB1166 driver drives to e rong exit!!
in e bus i was super e nervous oredi..
n yet he exit e rong exit..
i had a tour ard pasir ris for a while..
in e long bus 969..
w my heart pounding fast..
i was super worid dat i will b late 4 my test..
n wen i alight e bus..
e driver didnt even hv e initiative to apologise or smthg..
i noe la dat im e onli prsn hus wearing sch uniform..
but pls la..
u look so blur wen u got e rong exit..
do hv efficient rest b4 u start ur wrk..
during e phase test..
wasnt ready 4 my turn..
wen i was waiting at e waiting area,nt even a min..
e teacher askd me to go in..
i was like OMG..
i doa dulu b4 i proceed in..
i startd w waever i rememberd..
n u noe wat?
i tumbled everyting up..
didnt take some requisites, didnt do dis n dat stuffs..
even e teacher realised..
but luckily i managed to cover e steps dat i missd out..
but im nt sure if i pass or nt..

i had mmb investiture in e pm..
i rushd back hm..
hvnt even decide wat to wear..
mak even askd me to try e outfir dat i wanna wear b4 its been cnfrmd by me..
reachd mosque ard 105pm..
n all e eyes in e auditorium lookd at me..
i was like e guest of honour..
indeed i am..
e las prsn to reach..
at least i hv a reason k..
n dat time of moment,cik rahim was giving a speech..
went to e occ 4 e function..
face to face w him seh..
n askd us hw old r we..
we lookd young eh?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

c dat pic above..
its me n aliff..
wani askd me, 'eh is he ur bro?'
wahida askd me, 'eh he is ur cous?'
n i was like saying NO..
dey keep saying dat e both of us,de same wajah..
mcm adik bradik or related to me..
kite sedare..
sedare islam..=)
me n classmates wen to tamp mall to find bdae present..
we even went to toy r us..
ders so many cute toys in der..
faham2 je la..
usia da melanjut..
tmpt2 mcm ni pon da jarang nk pegi..
wen i saw e barbie dolls area..
it reminds me my time wen i was a kid..
im a freak barbie doll fan..
u r reading it correctly..
i keep all e dresses of barbie dolls..
n will change it every dae, comb their smooth hair..
i stop here..
den we went to charles n keith..
n went i told dem dat i hv dis high heel shoe..
dey were kinda surprised..
cos dey sae dat it didnt match w my characteristic..
u noe wat it is?
a sporty gal..
i hate running n den she can commentd me dat im a sporty gal..
dis sat phase test is making me so e nervous to e max..
wen its my turn doing e prac dis am..
i missd alot of impt pts..
wish me luck k..
'..ade elmo kat sini, nak choose barney pulak..'
dis sentence makes me laughd e entire nght..
e way he describd abt e couple, i laughd so loud..
btw e 9th cucu sedara is on e way..
oh my..
nenek muda seh aku..
Saturday, July 12, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
35 more daes - an nur youth family carnival
13 more daes - 'submission' of e project 4 catering
7 more daes - phase test I n II, investiture
.. n more meetings coming up due to plan of e family carnival..
i hv designd a 'logo' dat was being brainstormd by dad n me..

so which 1 is nicer?
let me noe..
i nd to complete it within a few daes..
wah piang..
so many tings nd to settle..
can i cut myself into pieces?
Thursday, July 10, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
thanks e credit to sean..
my blog skin da tuka..
lawa tk?
updated news abt me..
since sch reopens..
bad luck had been der waiting for me..
esp in sch..
since e 1st dae of sch..
i was being blacklisted w my 'beloved' class advisor..
till nw, e 4th dae..
my name was being e 1st name to being calld..
n todae..
e 'beloved' calld my name loud n clear..
in front of e whole cohort in e lecture theatre..
mak oi..
e reason of her to call my name..
is js bcos she askd me to move dwn to e empty spaces..
of all ppl..
of all e classmates..
y mus b my name to b calld?
apart frm dat..
my time table kinda tight..
i dnt even noe if i can finishmy task within aug..
i hv mosque family carnival coming up..
help my uncle to do some sort of cards 4 his catering services..
n i nd to get it ready b4 25 july..
n i hv like hw mani more daes left..