Friday, May 2, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

top view of e resort

outside e rm

e sky

smiley mirah playing 'superman' w bibik azi

dad put her on top of e tv, n she still can smile

actuali climbd up e rail js to capture dis pic

e corridor

bathrm b4 it gets e 1st serbu by relatives

at e main lobby

at e lobby lift

guest corner at e lobby

above e receptn counter u can c dis!

im still w my uniform wen i reachd der!

flying kite at pandan reservoir on labour dae

e weather is so e hot!
after wrk on las wed..
i went to pulai spring resort..
js a quick getaway on the eve of labour dae..
on e way der..
hv a incident dat hapend..
we were stuck at e expressway 4 half hr..
e place was awesome!
i love w e interior design..
e lovely craved woods 4 display..
i js love dem!
n since my siblings didnt bring e camera..
i took e pics w my camera fon..
non stop taking pics..
on e labour dae..
we didnt stay dat long cos adq hv rugby training..
so we went to teban to visit cik jamal..
after visiting..
me n other cous wen to pandan reservoir..
to fly kites..
n dats my 1st time doing it..
cool la..
so besties..
lets hv kite flying session together..
nk tk?