Sunday, April 20, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
a wk have passd..
a wk i was being attachd to e hospital..
patients came in and out of e ward..
some patients was being warded long ago..
some patients had an accident..
a bad one, a minor one..
to do hourly parameters at e patients hu js being warded or had finishd an operatn..
life is tiring indeed..
but behind those tiring moments..
i have learnt so many new tings..
frm wat i didnt noe till i noe..
these is was e nurses always do behind e scene..
usuali i came dwn to e hospital to visit relatives n frens..
n c e nurses walking here n der busily to kp update of their records..
since i was being attachd..
nw i noe y..
e 'oh' n 'ah' was being out of my mouth on e 1st dae of attachment..
it hv ans all e qns dat hv been in my mind ever since..
mom askd me smthg ydae..
which its still in my head..
wonder hu is dat prsn..
pls owe up if u r dat prsn dat im referring abt..
todae smthg hapend dat embarrassed me much..
2 incidents..
my crocs shoe was 'flying' instead of e ball..
my bump fell on e ground instead of e ball being kickd..
n it all hapend in front of e boys s well s e coach..
mak oi..
malu sangat2..
dnt even remember wen was e las time i had a fall..
e coach even askd if i nd to spray on my hurt part..
i smiled n sae its k..
im ok..
n dats e 2nd time i fall in front of e coach..
malu mak oi..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

i shld sae thx to kakak..
for bringing hm e caterpillar..
i clean n feed e caterpillar to its nxt stage..
seeing it eating e lime leaves..
n c it pass motion..
each stages i hv been eyeing on it ever since..
dad n sis even told me dat it may b died..
s it took a long process to turn to b a beautiful butterfly..
in e am js nw..
i lookd at it again..
it hv black covering..
so i leave it s it is..
wen i came out of e toilet..
mom shoutd out my name..
my butterfly..
lawa giler bangat dong!!
i took lots of its pics..
Thursday, April 3, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
so went to m.i.n.d.s todae..
wani n i was super early..
we had a quick bite frm mr bean..
buying pancake n drink frm e 7-11..
we waitd till dey reachd..
we were early, again..
to reach e m.i.n.d.s..
e acjc hvnt yet reachd..
to kill e time..
we camwhore..
in e conference rm..
while waiting 4 e vp to come..
so daring of us..

after m.i.n.d.s..
went to west mall to buy some kfc food 4 e dearest cous..
b4 proceeding to his hse..
bought a family feast n zinger s he had been craving 4..
went der w my blister feet..
been pasting plasters all over my feet..
mirah was der too..
shes big oredi..
shes soo duper cute n her eye lashes.. (look at e pics)
lawa giler!!..
mcm makcik dia jgak..
she was super hapi n even laughd wen i make funni faces..
3 mths..
n she oredi ate whipped potato frm kfc..
cool huh..
her mom told me dat she was craving 4 whipped potato wen mirah was in her stomach..
wonder wen will i c mirah again..
miss her oredi..