Monday, March 31, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
las sat..
i went to fuchun pri to help out..
due to some 'disturbing' at hm in e am..
help out watever i can do in dat sch..
ard noon..
i received a call frm e security n askd me if im still in sch..
hes 'chasing me out' frm e sch..
went out frm e sch few mins later..
further more..
need to attend meeting at al iman ard 2..
while i was waiting 4 e bus to come..
someone shoutd my name frm across..
a man in a white van which is fulld w man-u deco..
u noe i noe..
semua kat bustop noes my name at dat min..
went to e meeting w dan..
he was damn late la..
his 10 mins leh tahan jgak..
attend meeting regarding e annual nght cycling..
all e familiar faces pop up in front of me..
esp e youths frm assyaafaah..
e meeting didnt hold dat long..
ard 4 it ends..
wen to wdlds interchange w e ydo n dan..
met kak azah at civics to fetch me up..
went hm..
askd mak along to twn..
she didnt wan to tag along..
she even story to us dat 1 of her fren was admitted..
to imh..
listen to her story, scary though..
wen to twn..
head to heerens 1st..
met cikgu sunita, e son n hakim..
n we talkd abt dis fri event..
so hakim..
gi ke tk?
its nt an apr fool joke..
e purpose of us going to twn is dat..
kak azah treat e both siblings w a budget of 100..
i was been eyeing on dis fossil purse..
but den..
kak azah 'up' kan lagi e purse n n turns to b a wallet..
price pon pe lagi..
up la..
gone half of it..
bodyguard sis to find her latest top..
but didnt manage to find 1..
hakim calld me n askd me wer do sis parkd her car..
sis dnt even noe which level it was..
so drove off to faiz plaza..
she bought 2 pairs of shoes..
n me at e las min..
bought a pair of shoe..
tu pon beli pk brape byk kali..
hakim n me was updating each other wer we were..
we intend to hv dinner together..
but den due to e busyness of my sis shopping..
we didnt get to dine together at puncak..
oh well..
me n sis went to puncak to ate our bfast cum lunch cum dinner..
n sis complain to e aunt dat ders alot of egg shell in her food..
total of my budget..
i get 30 in cash..
thx eh sis..
amalkn slalu..
went to fuchun pri again..
had a family picnic in e sch hall..
exclude my bro s he went 4 his diving lesson..
we stay in der till 4.30pm..
n askd sis to send me to nisa hse to collect some food frm her..
thx nisa 4 e food n e cilli sauce bottle..
e boys ate it till nthg left except 4 e plastic spoon..
pas tu..
complain lak..
de makanan tkde air ke kak?
Monday, March 24, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
date: 21-23 march 2008
venue: a'famosa resort (melacca)
time to meet: 0515hrs at nearest r&r after link II
i wldnt sae dat much..
cos nw..
i dnt hv e mood to do it so..
so let me js summarize it wat hapend..
dae 1..
we arrived at e resort ard 2.30pm..
5 drivers parkd their precious at e car lot provided..
e kiddies were excited to change into thier swimming suit..
s ders a pte pool located beside e resort..
n me..
i was being sabotaged by my cous..
pushing me dwn to e pool..
n i was drentchd wet..
but didnt stay long in e pool..
due to my condition..
late afternoon..
i did bbq behind e kitchen..
using e electrical grill..
bbq-ing e otah2 s well s e chicken wings..
n e funny tingy was..
i was being electricuted wenever i touchd e food..
buts its a while onli..
we had a mini bdae celebratn 4 e march babies..
hairil, lud n adq..
big boys oredi..
n during e celebratn..
im still stuck doing e bbq tingy..
late nght..
every1 was holding e urgency of gg to e toilet..
cos ders no water supply..
nt even a single drop u can get..
apart frm dat..
ders no telephone line..
no channels to watch..
e cous hv been calling e hsekeeper abt it..
but faild to come..
dey complaind..
reali bad customer service..
dae 2..
we went dwn to makhota parade..
play bowling..
nk dikatekn..
all of us participate..
even e uncles aunties n even e small kiddies..
n even e maids..
its so fun la..
s if we owe e place..
den we were given 1hr to shop ard..
so e siblings - me n adq..
wen to sushi shop..
n shop 4 sushi..
we spent nearly rm20..
but its worth of eating it la..
e taste n everyting..
power to e max sia..
sad dat kak cant enjoy it..
dae 3..
we packd our stuffs n bid farewell..

Thursday, March 20, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
i was shockd..
totali shockd..
to hear dat wrd frm her mouth..
m i reali dat kind s wat u describe me s?
my mood turnd upside dwn wen u said dat to me..
i kept quiet..
both of us..
my mouth was close tightly w/o a gap..
like smthg being stop me frm opening my mouth..
n ask her y?
i 'hide' myself in e rm..
cover up myself w e pillows dats arranged nicely on e bed..
in such a 'hiding' manner..
i kp asking myself..
m i rong to b close to dem?
i hv been close w dem since i was a kid..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

abg was being hospitalised las tues..
due to an operation dat he had on las fri..
nw his condition is getting better..
no more tubing 2 support him frm breathing..
no more nil by mouth..
he can nw sit for hours..
hes nw clear feeds - even though he can eat porridge for nw..
he can joke ard though its a short while..
do get well soon k..
nanti ur beloved sis ni will buy 4 u boxes of zinger burger..
will fulfil ur wish..
dis fri im gg out of spore..
to melacca w maternal side..
ders even a pte pool 4 e family..
sis wldnt b coming along s she hv scouts camp to attend..
im in charge 4 games w my bro n another cous..
but till nw, no plans yet..
was being bz lately?
i had to do some admin preparatn 4 e soccer boys..
s dey will b entering a soccer competitn dat was being organised by al khair..
so dis thurs..
im gonna hv a meeting w all of e players..
cos dis competitn is a 7 a side game..
w 3 reserve players..
dis sun der will b a meeting w e excos n e m.o.e..
n im nt coming to attend it..
frm my pt of view..
n i js watchd e brite regarding maulud dis yr..
n an nur is involve in it..
i noe its too late 4 me to tell u guys dis..
if u guys r interested..
read e details below..
Brs and Sisters,
Masjid An Nur & By Left is organizing a song writing competition, in remembrance of Muhammad, Prophet for Humanity.
The theme(s) of this competition revolves around Life, Love and Woman
1. The best man benefits most men
2. He loves for others what he loves for himself
3. A good woman adorns and brings blessings to the world
ALL genres (meaning... R&B, Rock, Ballad, Nasheed, Hip Hop, Sentimental, etc) are welcome, but it has to be in Malay.
This is an attempt to enourage young people [incl those who thinks they r young : )) ] to employ their creativity thru' song writing to express themselves on the universal values which Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. expound. You wd recognise that the theme(s) above are the 'matan' of authentic hadiths of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The 1st prize stands to grab $3000 in cash. 2nd, $2,000 and 3rd, $1,000.
The top 10 songs will be cut into an album.
Do contact An Nur Mosque ( Wan Amiju @ 63631383) or By Left ( if u r interested and/or wd like to find out more.
Please spread the word to your friends, family members, jamaah and acquaintances of this noble effort.
Please see the attached, thanks.
Salam Ukhuwwah Islamiah
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
toilet had been my '2nd hm' 4 e past few daes..
had diarrhoea s well s fever..
had dat on las mon..
may e cause of e diarrhoea, eating yong tau foo on mon..
azmi told me dat mayb e prsn didnt rebus it properly..
a fren of mine told me dat diarrhoea was being affectd 6-8 hrs ago..
kemungkinan jgak..
n at nght..
i felt e heat at my legs n my eyes were in pain..
kak azra told me dat my face n eyes were red..
i still had no choice but to go to sch on e nxt dae..
cos dats my las paper..
but sad to sae i didnt concentrate dat much on e las paper..
e headache s well s my conditn affectd me..
exams r over..
n nw having hols b4 my 1st attachment starts..
was being attachd to nuh (8 wks) n bukit batok poly (1 wk)..
e nervousness is here even though its a mth more to go..
wish me luck 4 my attachment..
u left w/o a wrd..