Wednesday, January 23, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
hi ppl..
sori 4 nt updating my bloggie..
ben bz lately..
new topics..
new subjects..
new lecturers..
new environment..
its all new i shld sae..
31 jan onwrds..
im having test every wk..
frm nafa test..
to class test every wk..
even hv phase test on e dae e youths having bbq..
oh no..
so many tings dat i nd to do..
n abg is didnt even noe dat i startd schooling..
n he even sabo me to b e organizer 4 e bbq..
n lately even..
i was being electd to b e 'mgr' 4 e youth soccer team..
n it means i nd to come on e wkends..
my wkends r burnt js like dat..
i nd a jacket 4 my lectures..
hint hint..
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
hapi new yr every1..!!
4 e 1st time..
celebratd countdwn outside w cous..
total strentgh together w e siblings = 14 ppl..
went to marina sq to hv dinner w kak siti n gang..
waitd 4 abg noh n family to arrive b4 we proceed to our place..
wen we reachd to our spot..
its gonna b 2-3 mins to 2008..

e firewrks was awesome..
but some of e firewrks r being blkd due to e tall trees..
wishd dat e trees was being tebang b4 new yr..
so dat we can c e clear view of it..
after watching it..
we rushd back to marina sq..
watching movie titled 'national treasure'..
i admit dat in e 1st part of it..
it makes me wanna sleep..
till e middle part of e show..
it became more exciting..
n its funni too..
popcorns r everywer at our place..
nabil slept during e movie..
b4 we leave e cinema..
we took photo..
n adq told e cameraman dat we r tourists..
e jakon tourists frm 'msia'..

in dis pic..
my smile like a dracula..
after e movie..
we made our way to adam corner to hv supper..
heavy supper..
had a great new yr ever..
7 jan will b another history i will make in life..
2 yrs of challenges..
hope family n frens will support me all e way till e end..

do u noe hw much i love u both?