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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥


had a jln raya w ndp peeps..
start meetg w kenneth sashi at sbw mrt..
he was late cos he rushd back hm frm camp..
wen all e way to lakeside..
tot we were late..
n we got to find out dat we r super early..
kenneth approachd to dis guy..
which i noe its eqin guy..
so i kept myself a distance frm dem..

h: ni kak fadhil eh?
a: *js tinking hw he noes my adq*
a: yup.. hw u noe im his sis?

h: u look like him..
a: reali?
h: dulu we r in e same pri sch, dulu tggl teban kn?

a: *i was like, huh? hw he noe?*

a: ni azizul hakim eh? *quick guess*

h: nodded

wat a small world to meet him..
its been a long time i didnt meet him n his family..
so we wen to fana hse..
followd by azizul hse..
at azizul hse, kecoh la..
w his mom etc..
den we go to ghazri hse..
we stayd long der cos we were waitg 4 ju to arrive..
den to my hse..
ponkat umah kecoh jgak bab e family met w azizul..
den we went to rashid hse..
e blues was being camouflagd w his wall - blue..
den we went to ju hse..
followd by ain hse..
den to eqin followd by naq..
kat umah naq..
we went CRAZY..
had foto session..

family portrait..
had fun..


had jln raya w an nur youths..
start at 1000hrs - 2200hrs..
we completed 18 hses in 12hrs..
even though ders some hu ha here n der..
settled e hse at sembawang 1st..
den followd by admiralty..
woodlands n marsiling..
we had fun..
but most of e youths r wearg orange..
n nisa didnt wear her songket..

but its k..
paling penting skali,u r der w us, kan nisa?

12:27 AM ♥

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

5:07 PM ♥

Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

e link
for both jln raya..
271007 - jln raya w ndp peeps
281007 - jln raya w an nur youths

1:54 PM ♥

Thursday, October 25, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

4:45 PM ♥

Monday, October 15, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

Doa Perpisahan
By: Brothers
Pertemuan kita di suatu hari
Menitikkan ukhuwah yang sejati
Bersyukurku kehadap Illahi
Di atas jalinan yang suci
Namun kini perpisahan yang terjadi
Dugaan yang menimpa diri
Bersabarlah diatas suratan
Kutetap pergi jua
Kan kuutuskan salam ingatanku
Dalam doa kudusku sepanjang waktu
Ya Allah bantulah hamba-Mu
Mencari hidayah dari pada-Mu
Dalam mendidikan kesabaranku
Ya Allah tabahkan hati hamba-Mu
Diatas perpisahan ini
O.. uwo.. ho..
Teman betapa pilunya hatiku
Menghadapi perpisahan ini
Pahit manis perjuangan
Telah kita rasa bersama
Semoga Allah meredhoi
Persahabatan dan perpisahan ini
Teruskan perjuangan
Kan kuutuskan salam ingatanku
Dalam doa kudusku sepanjang waktu
Ya Allah bantulah hamba-Mu
Senyuman yang tersirat di bibirmu
Menjadi ingatan setiap waktu
Tanda kemesraan bersimpul padu
Kenangku di dalam doamu
Tuhan berkatimu
Oo.. ho.. o...

e youths had visitd him at e hospital in e afternoon..
n ydae too..
at 2110hrs..
receivd msg frm abg fawzi..
e msg..
an unspoken msg..
quickly forward e msg to e other youths..
was reciting alfatihah in my heart..
couple of times..

a responsible, caring bro..
a joker..
an ust hu guides e youths..
u hv given ur patience n guidance to us..
to b a responsible youth..
i miss ur smile..
i miss wen u sae 'senyum tu,bukak mata besar2 sikit'..
i miss ur lame jokes..
i miss wen u r wearg ur turban..
i miss ur calls regardg abt e youths, esp..

guess e las farewell dat we did 4 u..
was reali ur LAST farewell..
n on dat nght..
e youths had great laugh..
e rm was filld w ur laughter esp..
u laughd alot w us on dat nght..
n we dnt even noe..
on dat dae..
dat moment..
will b e las time we will c each other..

e nght b4 it happend..
e besties flippd through ur photos..
on e big event, which is e youth in charge..
u were dancing zapin w hafiz..
dat was e time e youths saw u were such a hapi-go-lucky man..
i still remember u sabo-ed me to do zapin..
but in e end i do chicken dance instead..
e photos on ur farewell dinner..
lookd at e photos wen u were having fun w e kids of after 8..
sitting together w e other youths..
looks like u r still young..

allahyarham ust md rafiq bin yahya..
03.10.82 - 14.10.07
Senyuman yang tersirat di bibirmu..
Menjadi ingatan setiap waktu..
Tanda kemesraan bersimpul padu..
kami akan slalu kenangmu didalam doa kita semua..

10:58 PM ♥

Thursday, October 11, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

todae marks e dae..
we had 3 celebratn in 1 nght..
1 - las dae of after 8
2 - mini celebratn 4 youth in charge
3 - farewell celebratn 4 ust rafiq
i wonder if he goes..
will e youths still b s strong s dis?
s hapi s dis?

n while i was cleaning up my rm..
i saw dis pic..
a memorable pic..
e 1 hum been 'blockd' by e flash is azfar n fazli..
im surprised dat i can remember their names..
esp e malays..
n some of e chinese..
search wer m i..

1:45 AM ♥

Monday, October 8, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

6 oct 2007..
youth in charge at e an nur mosque..
we had total strength of 44 ppl, including nisa love 1s..
all i can sae is ALHAMDULILLAH..
we nvr had a big family b4 in e youth..
we had ice breaking session w dem..
it was fun..
esp wen we playd e game 'concentratn'..
ju kena to e max..
n i get e forfeit too..
nisa get to escape..
lucky her..

after zohor..
we had amazing race..
n my grp get e 1st place..
we didnt even took half n hr to search 4 e tings..
cos e tings dat we nd to look 4 is ard e corner..

our stress time begins..
e 3 in charge was like going here n der..
making sure dat everyting wen on smooth..
i even wen in 2 e kitchen to cut e fruits..
it was fun wen im like being a big sis to e small bro..
teaching dem hw to cut e fruits..
we talkd, laughd, n cut e fruits..
but wen it comes to e iftar part..
e in charge was like going up n dwn..

den attend 4 e mmt..
it was e most touching nght ever..
nvr seen bro is n ust cried b4..
e act..
was a succeed 1 even though bro is had done lot of back ups..
i was shockd wen ust told us abt his past..
but thank god..
dat he had realisd it earlier b4 its too late..
had become my 'motivator' in life..
even though ders some misunderstanding n arguments w him..
nk kawin tu jgn lupe jempot kite org eh..

12:21 PM ♥

hollaa! ♥



Hate me , click here .
Love me, You're welcomed by me :D

about me ♥

nur aziah roslan
see e world on 28 dec, capricornist
taking gd care of her sony dsc h5 camera
alaf 21 book or creative enterprise if she have any.. shes lovin' it =P
loves e ppl hu is ard her, esp her family n her besties
loves to hang ard w her frens n spend time w dem
loves elmo much

1. to get her licence as soon as possible
2. to owe a dslr camera
3. to have a successful career

love who ♥

1. family and relatives
2. besties
3. classmates n kaki gereks frm cp grp, esp buddy

ear therapy ♥

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

talk to me ♥


credits ♥

Designer : smallestLOVE__
BaseCodes: ?Sweet.suicidal/:D