Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

e view..

how long our tables are.. can u count e chairs?

e rain doesnt stop us..

beloved cous..
las sun..
e maternal sides wen to permas jaya, senibong..
to hv our early dinner s well s to celebrate wak salmah n mus bdae..
total ders 8 cars + 1 bike..
wak mail family, abg zul family, abg noh family, abg azmi family, kak azah (come back frm tuitn), abah family, kak munira family, kak siti family n wak salleh - his bike..
wak leham didnt get to follow us at e las min as he hv diarrhoea..
meeting time was at 1500hrs..
in e end every1 turnd up nearly 2 hrs later..
drove we went der..
we were like e most kecorable families wen e food arrives..
perot da bunyi techno, dangdut etc..
e food was delicious..
it was all seafood..
we hv sweet sour fish, steam fish, sotong bertepong, butterd prawn, kangkong, ikan pari bakar, 3 kinds of kerangs n ketam..
e drinks r free flow - fruit juice..
didnt eat dat much though..
dey orderd 6 sets..
banyak kan?
all of dem r big eaters..
after dey had thier maghrib prayers..
we headed to our nxt pit stop which is e petrol kiosk..
n frm der we went our seperate ways..
kak siti, kak munira n abg azmi drove to xtra..
while e rest headed hm..
i cnt get to sleep ydae..
i hv mouth infectn..
ders a grp of watery dots on my upper lips..
my mouth cnt keep still cos of e itchy n e pain..
my mom suggestd to put minyak gamat cos dats e onli way to 'rescue' me frm shoutg..
n todae..
i had a dae mc..
wen to poly early in e am..
thx to e caller hu hu gv me a wake up call..
if nt i dnt even noe wat time i will go..
took me nearly 2hrs to settle everyting..
e doc said i had cold sore..
a herges simplex, virus type 1..
got it frm skin to skin..
n dis is my 1st time i got it..
n i dnt even noe hw i can get it..
Friday, July 13, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
hello ppl..
im back..
i noe its been a long time dat i didnt blog..
sori abt dat k?
been bz lately..
weekdaes wrk..
weekend ndp..
n talking abt weekend..
tmrw is sat..
n sat is my ndp prac!!
todae i was late frm wrk..
nd to do ot..
so i tmnkn my colleague to update her pass book..
der were 2 machines 4 updating e book..
so i ask e aunt politely wer is she queueing..
n she said here..
which is like in e middle of e 2 machines..
so i js q at 1 of e counter..
so me n my colleague js waitd 4 our turn..
den, 1 of e sporean hv js finishd updated..
n guess wat..
e auntie js cut q..
js like dat..
e uncle was like telling her dat hes queueing..
n e auntie said shes queueing too..
in e middle..
at dat time of moment its my turn..
so my fren out of e q..
n callg me to gv dis uncle 1st..
den wen i wanna gv way..
i heard dis unpleasant wrd coming frm him..
i noe hes angry..
if its me pon i marah seh..
den we js act s if nthg hapen..
wen i saw at e opp machine..
e auntie still stuck w upating her passbook..
kan dolat namenye..