Friday, May 25, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
being a sister to e younger bro its nt easy..
esp wen hes sitting 4 his impt papers dis yr..
n mom hv been advising me to advise him dis n dat..
i broke dwn js nw..
wen bro didnt listen to wat i hv said..
i noe its nt e 1st time dis happend..
but i nd play a strong role wenever it comes to his study time..
i nd to do s wat i hv promise to mom earlier on..
wenever she leaves hm..
asking me to look out 4 him if hes studyg or nt..
n i did..
i noe he cnt study 24/7 all dae n nd a rest..
but wat if e rest time he takes more den his study time?
im scared 4 e overall result..
im e 1 hu feel e nervousness even though i didnt take it b4..
but does he feel e same way s i do?
i js finishd writing a letter 4 him..
wat i hv tinking all these while..
n i hope after he read it..
he will study n doesnt waster his time ani longer..
cos time is running out reali fast..
sentences comes every min..
n each sentences struck my mind..
'js take it s a mistake n learn frm it n dnt let love ruin ur life bcos its nt worth it..'
'if u dnt tink of ur religion, u will do smthg stupid..'
'w/o him, ur future will b destroyd?'
after wat he replied me..
it makes me realise..
nd to move on no matter wat..
Monday, May 21, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
ydae it was bik nor wed..
didnt even took pic of e bride..
n even celebrated abg noh bdae..
surprised indeed..
daddy drove hm to bshn..
he owning a car soon..

tonight meetg was out of e topic..
frm ramadhan we talkd abt agama..
even e president said s if we r attendg ehwal islam..
it makes me sleepy wen dey talkd..
dstrbd nisa..
guess she gets irritatd w my itchy hand..
sori eh..
nxt wk we gonna hv e nxt meetg..
im nt ready 4 it..
grandpa looks tired js nw..
both his hands got swollen..
another tube hv been insert..
get well soon grandpa..
Friday, May 18, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
'Kini baru ku sedari
Selama ini kau ku sayangi
Andai bukan itu hakikatnya
Mengapa rindu yang ku rasa
Mungkin tiada ku fahami
Tidak dapat ku nafikan lagi
Beban rahsia kian membakar diri'
after hearing e song couple of times..
esp wen it comes to e lyrics..
it strike my mind hard..
it seems e same ting wat im facing rght nw..
mayb he doesnt even feel wat im feelg rght nw..
hw can he possibly noe if till nw..
no msgs frm him i received..
nt even frm msn..
feels like hes avoiding me..
n wanting to forget her in his life..
its hard 4 him to do it so..
so dats e decision of him..
to make him missing in actn frm me..
so i wldnt b asking him here n der abt him..
abt his life..
abt everyting abt him..
hw i wish i could turn back time n treasure him..
hw i wish dat i didnt hurt him..
hw i wish our fshp still going strong w/o ani misunderstanding..
hw i wish it goes well..
hw i wish..
hw i wish..
Thursday, May 17, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
ydae i had such a bad dae in overall..
tings had happend to me ydae dat i will nvr forget..
so let me list dwn all e tings dat had happend..
had dinner w e maternal aunties..
celebrating belated mothers dae at carousel..
tot me n sis was e onli 1 hu was invited..
s we r nt in dat category..
had my 2 other cous s well..
so we enjoyd e food so much..
pics were taken non stop..
frm food to e surroundings in e place itself..
such a sinful night s i was eating s a big amt of chocs..
frm e dessert to e chocolate fondue..
more photos in my fotopages..

e cous w e aunts

e mothers'

chocolate fondue.. yummy!

e dessert..


wen to e hospital after dinner..
grandpa warded again..
dis time serious..
after dat sis was suggestg to go in jb s her petrol was low..
she askd me if i can accompani her..
i said ok..
so we went hm 1st to get my passport..
while waitg 4 her to come dwn..
ii saw a super 4 bike going in e carpark..
i tot it was opit..
so i calld 'fiq..!'
e motorist stoppd n lookd at me..
tot dat he dnt recognised me frm far..
so i waved at him to come to wer i was..
i was wondering w dis boy didnt wan to come..
so i tried to call opit..
n guess wer he was..
at hm!
i was so embarassed at dat moment..
e motorist was looking at me still wen he got his park..
lau aku tk tggl sini leh jgak lepas..
i can imagine hw red my face was at dat time..
so we drove to jb..
told sis to filld some petrol in cos her oil was too low..
she filld n didnt reachd half..
so she took e risk..
after clear frm e spore checkpt..
dis pakcik stoppd us frm entering..
cos her petrol is below half..
i will still remember his face!
n is it wrong to use e hp in e office wen ders no even a sign of nt using e hp?
my sis kena frm 1 of e officer..
da kene saman..
pas tu kene lak mcm tu..
so otw to e petrol stn..
i witnessd n accident..
dat makes me broke dwn soon after..
i dnt even noe hw to xplain..
e pembonceng fell frm e bike..
n e rider js go ahead w his speed..
on top of e pembonceng..
get e pic?
even though ders no blood or watever it is..
it was my 1st time being a witness of such n accident..
so after fill e petrol..
drove all e way to msia checkpt..
suddenly ders a knock coming frm e car window..
imagine at dat time of moment is ard mdnght..
n smthg knocks at e window..
i was in e shockd..
2 sporean chinese guy askd 4 a lift 2 spore..
dey left e car at wdlds centre..
luckily nthg happend to us..
so dats wat happend in a 1 dae incident..
bad dae i suppose..
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
sori 4 e late update..
ders smthg rong w e blogger..
so dats e dish dat we prepared las sun on mom dae..
intend to wake up at 0800hrs..
but we were n hr late..
so we rushd up to cook our bfast cum lunch..
b4 adq went 4 madrasah..
it turn out to b nice..

love u mom
Thursday, May 10, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
do u xpect someone to b serious 24/7?
nd to b matured in each n everyone of dem?
compare ur maturity w someone hu is younger den u?
i dnt even understand y u keep comparing w me n her..
i noe im big enuf to tink..
but u dnt xpect me to b serious w u all e time?
no jokes..
no nothing..
u told me dat im nt matured enuf w my current age..
told me dat she is more matured den me..
hw matured can she b?
younger den me?
hey wake up la..
even a prsn hu is older den me hv their childishness in dem..
dnt tell me u dnt hv it in u?
so r u telling me nw dat u r matured enuf compare w me?
its nt ydae dat i noe u..
such a lie if i told u dat u dnt e childishness in u..
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
mani tings had happen to me..
frm searching of jobs..
to interview..
to a dae employed..
it was such a difficult moment for me to make my decision..
i wanna make my own decision..
but overall i nd to respect my parents decision..
i didnt mean to hurt ur feelings..
i noe u made alot of effort to find 4 us jobs..
but in e end we didnt come..
specific reasons were der for nt turning up..
if u r reading my entry..
i wanna sae dat im sori 4 wat i did..
i felt bad abt it..
went to cdc ydae s dad adviced me to go..
apply through dem n had a short interview..
it easy wen u had an interview w a malay ppl..
cos its easy to comminucate n no broken eng..
mdnght,received call frm fren n ask me to send resume..
n i did..
early am i had 2 wake up calls..
0900hrs frm rahmat..
1000hrs frm e co dat i sent my resume ydae..
n e interview was at 1730hrs..
fuji xerox towers..
my plan todae to go to ttsh was demolishd..
reachd der early ard 1655hrs..
had my interview few mins later..
n e interview doesnt even las me 4 5 mins..
n e qn dat was repeatd several times was..
'how old r u dis yr?'
wat is dat suppose to b?
had a weird dream ydae nght..
msgd both my besties n told dem abt it..
its kinda weird cos of all ppl..
y mus i dream abt him?
n e funi ting is e sentence dat i told him..
'dis is a dream n i hope it wouldnt b a reality..'
n at dat time im still in my sleep..
strange kn?
Thursday, May 3, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
upon jealousy..
i post dis drawing..
'done' by e elder sis..
w e help of my bro..
lawa jgak eh..
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
hv u wonder a 6 yr old kid can draw like dis?
his creativity was superb wen it comes to drawing..
e most superb drawing was wen he draw a prsn surfing..
cool huh..
i dnt even noe wer he got dat talent in such a young age..
keep it up my little one..
Wednesday, May 2, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
here i m..
sitting in front of e comp..
get irritated by e flu n bad cough..
temp wen up n dwn..
wen to e mosque after zohor..
to meet ust hisham..
feel awkward wen im alone meetg him..
cos usuali der will more ppl meet up..
didnt even look at him..
he askd me y my frens didnt take part in dis floor dance?
i was tinking..
pe yg floor dance?
he meant was dance floor..
met wan after taking e invitatn letter..
waitg 4 e bus to go interchange..
receivd msg frm wan saying dat hes still at hm..
so i round in cp..
check price 4 camera bag..
s well s present 4 mak s mothers dae is coming..
dono wat to buy 4 her..
ani ideas?
nxt tues gg out..
someone wanna blanje piza hut..
Tuesday, May 1, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
late to meet e relatives..
plan w each other to meet at tuas ard 2-2.30..
so dey go ahead s parents hvnt come back frm mlawat..
reachd der ard 3++..
didnt look at e watch cos im bz taking care of my nose..
so came e delicious food..
celebrated wak salleh n wak salmah aniversari..
s well s wak leham n kak su bdae..
sing like no one was der..
cake was sponsord by angie e choice..
bought by kak azah..
look at dat stretch long table..

photo taking session

we had FUN