Friday, April 27, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
e best wrd to describe abt me nw..
dnt even noe y..
it seems so hard 4 me to get rid of him in my mind..
dats wat my fren advice me to do..
e best solutn..
i tried..
try nt to msg him..
n wen i succeed not to..
he msgd me..
hw can i manage to forget him in a split sec?
we hv been close since sec sch..
family, niece n nephew noes him..
hw can i escape frm e reality?
Thursday, April 26, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
i was early 4 e interview..
received call frm sara telling me dat e interview starts at 1130hrs..
look at my watch..
it was 1000hrs..
since its early..
i go n check wer its located at..
its exactly beside e fullerton hotel..
wen back to oub building to hv my bfast..
hashbrowns n iced milo..
realised my nervousness was der wen i accidentally drop e milo..
nervous break dwn at dat place..
cover my face to calm me dwn..
wen to e toilet n calm myself again..
check myself at e mirror if i look ok..
so i went back to e building..
gv my ic 4 e visitor pass..
press no 19 n went up all e way..
i was tinking dat im e onli 1 hu gonna be interview..
but i was rong..
ders ppl ard me too..
so i js sat der w dem..
den few min, ders a guy asking me hu is nur azi..
nt yet he finish my full name, i raised my hand..
n tot i b e 1st prsn to b interviewd..
tp tipa tertipu..
e ppl hu was ard me earlier on gonna sit 4 a test..
so im e onli 1 hu hv e interview..
so e same guy (alex), including w his colleague (gary), bring me to e rm..
e fun starts der..
no nervous..
no nothing..
js a hapi chat btwn e 3 of us..
it feels like we hv noe each other 4 ages..
didnt ask me much qns..
but dey demself tell me more n more abt e environment in e wrking place..
telling me dat dey r scared dat i cnt handle nasty customers..
i had encounter dat b4..
but i didnt tell dem..
after e interview 'ends'..
gary askd me to make myself a cup of coffee n join dem 4 a chit chat..
cool huh..
alex keep saying dat i look like his colleague..
kp smiling n cheerful..
i was like smiling all e way 4 e interview..
will get e notice in 2 wks time..
pray dat i will get e job k?
otw 2 clarke quay to meet nisa 4 lunch..
was on e fon w sara, e agency..
den came dis man..
i tot he wanna ask me some directn..
so i ask him is der ani way i can help him..
he gv me dis 7-11-tear-into-half-receipt to me..
i tot he hv me rubbish..
wen i open it, i cldnt believe dat he leave dat kind of msg..
lau hansem tu tkpe la..
mat salleh 100%..
w green/blue eyes..
had a great dae esp during e interview..
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
i need to calm myself dwn..
oh no..
y im
cos tmrw i have an interview..
im becoming a mad gal after receiving e call frm sara..
frm kelly services..
soon after i received e call..
my stomach feeling abit weird..
lets nt sae abit weird..
fully weird i shld sae..
even askd kak azra wat i shld wear..
which shoe it suits me..
its my 1st time ever going 4 an interview..
e interview is at 1100hrs..
my heart is pumping mad la..
wish me all e best 4 tmrw..
n e ppl hu noe im gg 4 e interview..
giving me e encouragement..
thank u alot..
Sunday, April 22, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
went to visit yayi at telok blangah..
he had an operatn at his left leg..
waitd 4 wak mik n abg pa family to arrive..
while waiting i saw dis pic in adq wallet (below)..
he looks so much difference in a few yrs after..
dnt u tink so ppl?
before (sec 1 ) n after (sec 4)
after dat..
we went to tamp..
to attend a syarahan by ust..
didnt prepare to go der s our dressing code is nt appropriate enuf..
both sis wore jeans..
luckily i wore dress..
its a special syarahan i could sae..
it was organised by 1 of e centre 4 disabled ppl..
n im touchd..
even though dey r in dat kind of state..
dey come dwn to listen to e syarahan..
went back hm after to transfer vehicle..
further more sis left her passport in e car..
a quick change..
had lots of laughter in e car..
w all e stupid n lame jokes by sis..
went to singgah slalu 4 our v late dinner s well s v early bfast..
at dat time was 12 midnight..
n its an open table 4 us..
orderd e seafood dishes..
abah even gv lame jokes s well after e mkn..
totali had a great time ydae..

Saturday, April 21, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
i forgot to type dwn wat happen ydae in e audi..
at ite tamp..
hw shld i forgot dat incident..
thx 2 fazli dat it all happend..
here it goes..
i was barefootd at dat moment..
my leg hurts w e high heel shoe (it was my sis's)..
so i put e shoe one side n sat..
few mins later lian siah askd me to take photo of e band..
i hv no confidence s i cnt move freely due to e skirt..
its nt comfortable wearing skirt while taking photos..
come back to e topic..
so took photos of e bands performing..
after it ended..
i intend to wear back e shoe..
n to my surprise..
it left w e left side of e shoe..
wers e rght?
in me, e culprit will either b lian siah or fazli..
s both of dem bullied me all these while..
so i askd lian siah..
he said no..
believe him s hes bz snapping photos..
fazli give me dat kinda innocent look..
he said no..
i didnt trust him..
so i kp on tekan him..
a little bit more i wanna cry..
its my sis shoe..
nt mine..
if its mine..
i dnt even care..
so yvonne n i decided to look ard e audi..
at e same moment..
fazli rushd up n take e shoe..
i noe its u fazli..
n thx yvonne 4 helpg me out..
Friday, April 20, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
leave e office early todae..
early rght?
cos i hv finishd my task..
n ask me to go hm..
after wrk, i went to international plaza..
calld either paman or sara..
both not in at dat time..
so i js went der to gv my time sheet..
by e time i came der..
paman was der folding letters..
it reminds me of me doing 6000 letters in total..
after settle everiting..
w/o plan..
i went to ite tamp to help out s wat faz askd me too..
i didnt came las wk..
so i went todae instead..
he fetchd me at e ctrl stn s well to pick up his other fren..
i was being bullied..
but wat i do todae its all ikhlas..
watchd e band auditn todae..
it was terrible i tell u..
e 1st frp (firman grp) s well s e las 2 grp..
i can hear e vocalist..
but not e others..
dats wat me n others said abt it too..
after e metalcore songs..
head bangins songs hv ended..
we went dinner..
at bedok corner..
farhan took his bike..
faz n his fren took bike too..
so me n yvonne tompang lian siah s hes driving..
orderd fishball noodle..
in e end its nt more fishball dat i hv..
its tauge..
so its tauge noodle instead..
startd to talk abt e yunnan trip dat we had..
js miss those time we spent together 2 wks in yunnan..
hw i wish to go again w e same ppl..
Thursday, April 19, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
tmrw will b my las dae of wrk..
no more of waking early n no more of tinking wat to wear e nxt dae..
so far dis wk..
e plan of wat to wear each dae did come well..
i had plan on mon, wed n fri will wear skirt..
tues n thurs will b pants..
my hands e aching each..
doing e same ting each min..
mon - 1000 letters..
tues - 2000 letters..
wed - 3000 letters..
n dat 3000 letters nd to finish up by tmrw at 1700hrs..
b4 e power supply is being cut..
e office will b shftg to a new place at spore post centre..
at paya lebar..
had a colleague which is in e same place s me..
he told me dat if dey nd me..
dey will call me up..
n said its all stated in e contract..
didnt even read e contract carefuli..
todae had a lot of talking..
compare to e previous daes at wrk..
humming w e song..
follow e beat of e song..
kak wati even offer me fries which at dat moment i js had my lunch..
doing my wrk in a 'relaxing' way..
knock off at 1730hrs..
e security guard told me i was v early dis am n ask if i will b s early s todae..
told him i will..
ders lots of tings to b done..
others bz packing w their stuffs..
while me doing e 3000 letters..
cnt wait 4 tmrw..
sat i will start my training oredi..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
was my 1st dae of wrk ydae..
reachd early s i dnt even noe wers e place is..
est time was ard 30-40 mins journey..
e 1st task to do was challenging s i nd to fold 1000 letters by 2pm..
n i do it all alone..
b4 folding i nd to seperate e sheets..
tear e sides..
n after dat to put it into e envelopes..
n i managed to finish e task on time..
n wen lunch after dat..
e 'boss' told me dat der will b 2000 coming either tmrw (which is todae) or e nxt dae (which is tmrw)..
but in e end it comes few mins later wen i was being told to do data base entry..
after wrk rushd to hta..
to watch my bro final match vs sa..
took a cab wen i reach cck..
met za at dhoby ghaut..
wen i reachd der he was otw to hug parents s dey won e match..
i came at e rght time to hug him even though i miss 2 watch e whole match..
below r some pics dat appointd photographer took during e match..
hug him even though hes fully wet n smells..
i dnt care abt it all..
mom n me cried wen he leads e team doing hakka..
im proud of him..
love u adq!!
after match..
we gv adq a surprise bya attending e dinner at holiday inn..
e food was superb..
furthermore i came back frm wrk..
nasi goreng..
roasted duck..
roasted chicken..
sambal udang..
rojak - char kuey, fruits..
desserts - fruit tarts, durian pengat, chocolate cake, cheese cake
Sunday, April 15, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
my beloved kak sdare is 5 wks pregnant..
congrats kak..
do take care of e little one..
butterflies in e stomach since am..
its all abt tmrw..
im nervous..
intend to find e place todae..
but den sis told me ders no nd to do it..
cos e building is near to ps..
but again..
i dnt even noe hw e building looks like..
wish me luck 4 tmrw..
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
been out e whole dae w parents..
went to jb to send e kains 4 tailor..
after dat, went to extra to send e car 4 wash s well s waxing..
b4 dat, we went to e surau to do our asar..
n saw dis cat which was sitting near to e car..
so i went in to e ladies place..
while i was taking off my tudong, i saw some shadow behind me..
n it was moving..
it was dat cat!
e same cat dat i saw earlier on..
e cat was like followg me werever i go..
i was like running here n der..
shouting here n der..
in dat surau itself..
lucky ders no one in e rm..
mom was like cntrlling e cat not to b near me..
n i was like standing one corner like a statue..
mom askd me to take my wudu' asap..
so i went..
i was shivering at dat time of moment..
soon i finishd..
mom actuali brings e cat out..
i quickly ran into e surau..
lucky ders mom..
done my prayers..
heard smthg frm outside..
a scratchy sound..
i noe its frm e cat..
wen i peep thrugh e window..
e cat was still der..
staring directly to me..
i quickly put on my tudong..
n even askd mom to wait 4 me..
i dono y im scared of cats..
e penjaga of e mosque said someone put e cat der..
kesian lak aku dgr..
had our late lunch cum early dinner at e tmpt mkn kat extra..
saw abg jamil n wife der too..
after mkn we headed back to surau 4 our maghrib..
had a fear oredi b4 alightg e car..
check ard me if e cat is still der..
no sight of e cat so far..
wonder wer e cat hv gone to..
otw back hm..
i hv a challengd w my parents..
to hv a prefect buah brangan after peeling frm e hard shell..
parents hv done it perfectly..
but nt me..
mine was like shatters everywer..
janji dpt mkn..
wen sheng shiong after dat..
i was ashamed of my own religion..
i didnt expect dat e boys actuali bought it in front of me..
in front of parents..
in front of their own religion..
n ada ke one of e boys said its a
wajib to buy dat??
i was like istighfar alot of times seeing those boys..
dono wat will hapen to our generatn nowadays..
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
Date : Saturday, 21st April 2007
Venue : CDANS Home Team (Bukit Gombak)
Time : 3.30pm - 7pm
Registration Fees : $20 per team which consists of 3 participants (inclusive of shoes, games and food)
Number of games: 2
interestd do inform me asap
Friday, April 13, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
supposedly to come dwn to ite tamp..
to help fazli video e band audition..
but it happens another way round..
make a trip to international plaza..
to meet my new-found paman..
he wrks in an agency..
dad askd me to call him asap..
so i calld him in e am..
he askd me to came dwn todae..
giving me e add n got to find out he wrks under kelly services..
didnt expect dat someone hum i js noe wrks der..
rains pours heavily..
but i was being shelterd all e way to e office..
e 1st time ppl hu came der, like me..
nd actuali to b awake which lift to take..
cos different lift will take u particular level dat u wanna go..
lucky i was awake..
if not i will b going up n dwn 2 search 4 level..
paman was nt der wen i reachd..
so sat der, calld hm..
but no one pickd up..
paman came in i gv me a form to fill in..
soon after, paman missing in actn again..
so i nd to wait 4 him..
another form was given to me..
paman gv me a part time job dat last 4 a wk..
6.5/hr n e time is frm 0900-1700hrs..
its located at
do ani1 noe wers e place is??
b4 leaving e place, paman gv me his card n ask me to call him if ders ani enquiries..
i thank paman again n again 4 helpg me out..
plan to meet f after dat..
but in e end, he cnt make it cos hes bz..
dats wat he told me..
it seems a difficult challenge 4 me to forget him..
i kp telling myself to stop msgg him..
n wen i hv succeed, he msg me..
im nt prepare on mon!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

photography family 2006/07

gals power!

dey r 'dead'
gals power.. again..
'abd wahib', 'abd wahub', me n 'abd wahab'
todae wen back to sch..
had a farewell party 4 my photography club..
i was totali late s i was waitg 4 fiqa..
went into e rm..
everybody was shoutg..
star karat katekan..
food was 'sponsord' by polar..
had sugar roll n chicken pie..
so receivd a cert frm ms low..
took pics n more pics..
so after e party finishes..
we stayd 4 a meetg..
supposedly to b a short meeting..
in e end..
it ends at 1430hrs..
after maghrib..
rushd dwn to mosque s i was super late..
e meetg starts at after maghrib..
but reachd der ard 2120hrs..
we had more of laughing rather den wrds..
ust hisham hv warm up w our attitudes..
dia pon leh tahan joke ard w us..
wen he himself ask e gals 2 b serious abt e meetg..
nasi tawar frm nisa..
'mountain dew' frm ust hisham..
we r bonding..
receivd a letter frm e ite..
reveivd my statement of academic..
n a letter stated abt my graduatn ceremony..
n ders even a dress code 4 it..
im nt sure abt coming dwn..
lau kepo2 tu leh jgak..
Monday, April 9, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
mus n i r facing e similar prob..
is it worth of waiting 4 e prsn..
if we like each other..
but den e other party had someone in life?
is it a crime?
i noe dat i shldnt hv done dis..
it seems like i hv found him..
but i cnt get near to him..
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

e kiddies
e cous
dae 1
plan to meet at 0630 in e end we were all late..
had a bad jam b4 entering into jb..
i was appointd s e co pilot 4 e trip..
parents kp telling me to b awake so dat to kp sis accompani s it will b a long way drive der..
n it was e 1st time dat sis drove all e way to our destinatn w her own car..
reachd to our destinatn ard 1300..
e guys wen 4 e prayers while me bz video e place..
it was suberb..
e view frm our apartment balcony sees e beach s well s e swimming pool..
e place oso had dis spa tingy place..
e kiddies were all excited to go dwn to swim at e swimming pool..
few hrs in e pool, e cous decided to go to e beach n participated e activities dat can b found der.. sis was excited wen she saw e banana boat riding..
she askd me to join along..
i js go ahead w e flow..
i was scared actuali..
i even requestd e abg hu cntrls e boat nt 2 speed off n nt to let us fall..
wen e engine starts, me n kak su was like shoutg here n der..
we were laughing n shouting like no one business..
after e long n round about of banana boat riding, sis askd me if i wanna accompani her to ride e jet ski together w her..
i agree w her cos dats her wishes of coming dwn to pd..
wen she starts e engine, i was like hugging her tight..
nvr ever hug her dat tight b4..
but it was fun la..
spend e nght in e apartment cos watchd e muzika extravaganza..
so e dinner 4 e nght was cup noodle 4 e whole dae..
slept at e sofa ard 2330 w arissa..
dae 2
was awake w natural alarm clock at 0800..
hut was crying loudly..
n e kiddies were playing soccer at e hall too..
shldnt hv slept at e sofa in e 1st place..
so wen in to e rm n continue my sleep..
few mins or hrs later, mummy woke me up to follow dem 4 bfast..
so we had prata at e nearest coffee shop.. bought e necessary stuffs to put in e kitchen..
we pland to go dwn to kl after dat..
but dis time round kak didnt drive cos it will b a bz road..
spent e afternoon at mejid india..
der were lots of nice dress but majority dat i like, its all in e 3/4 sleeve..
after tired of shopping, all of us had asam laksa..
n a new ting dat i hv tried was, to put some petis udang together w it..
it was nice.. u shld try dis too..
reachd hm in e late afternoon..
e kiddies were dress up again in e swimming costume n dwn dey wen to e swimming pool.. dinner time, tot to js tapau e food n bring hm cos it was raining outside..
so me, sis n arissa stay hm..
i was watching e anugerah fantasia at dat moment wen dey call us to b ready n b out 4 dinner.. haiz..
but managed to continue to watch at e warong..
its nt a long distance frm e place..
watchd e anugerah fantasia till 0000 n continue our time at e karaoke lounge till 0100..
dis time round, onli e cous wen dwn..
slept ard 0300 after watching disney channel..
dae 3
had a long sleep todae..
e kiddies wen to e pool s early s 0800..
we had nasi lemak 4 our bfast s well s maggi..
haha.. we had a late checkout on dat dae..
b4 we leave e place, e kiddies had done sand art..
idhina hv done bear, lut power ranger, arissa elmo n nabil ultraman..
mus even do his own..
he gv up half way but in end he completed it w n ah beng popeye..
it was a tired trip but had fun all dae long..
thx kak..
Wednesday, April 4, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
e 1st wrd dat came out frm my mouth was ALHAMDULILLAH..
my eyes was half opend wen i check e result..
e 1st prsn hu msgd me in e am was taufiq..
n askd me if i oredi checkd e result..
i was like waitg 4 e result since ydae ard 11pm till mdnght..
dotz told me dat e result came out at 3am..
pei lan waitd 4 it actuali..
so todae my hp kinda bz replyg my frens msgs..
asking me e same qn..
majority did well n get into poly..
kinda sad dat i didnt get into..
shld study hard earlier on..
if i could turn back time..
ders no use of me to regret nw..
dats wat i do n dats wat i get in e end..
to all e ppl hu get into poly, congrats..
to e ppl hu didnt get, dats nt e end of e wrld..
smile ppl..
Monday, April 2, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
sometimes i dnt even realise 4 wat i hv said to u..
in e fon or sms..
i noe dat my wrds sometimes do hurt u..
but wat i said comes frm wat i tink..
n it follows w e emotion dat i had during e time..
till nw, ur behaviour towrds me is still s cool s ydae..
is dis e way s hw u punish ppl?
n make dem realise their mistakes?
i do admit my mistakes..
i msgd u n apologies..
till nw no news frm u yet..
is it bcos of a ting dat i dnt even remember..
u treat me dis way?
till wen?
calld u but u off ur hp..
is dat e way to make u hapi?
if dats e case, den let b it..
take care..
u nvr hide frm me aniting..
i hv nt noe u ydae..
its been 8 yrs of knowg u..
n sudden u hv been hiding smthg frm me..
u hv probs dat u dnt wana share..
r u ok?
sometimes i do ask myself..
wat makes u dis way..
do tell me wen u r ok..
im worid abt u..
n to all my frens..
e besties - ju, nisa, za, opit, wani, azri n zaid..
e frens hu read or didnt read my blog..
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

disebalik senyuman, ada suka dan duka yang telah ku lalui..
harap aku tabah menghadapi setiap cabaran dalam hidup dengan tabah..
Sunday, April 1, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥
so ydae wen to job fair dat was being told by rahmat..
met him at amk ctrl stn..
so we wen to e place..
n tadaa..
its filld w courses rather den job fair..
we walkd round n round of e place..
n it was damn hot..
so he stand in front of e fan..
i was reading dis booklet frm ite den..
few moment a lady came..
passing dwn dis free gift of kimage tingy to us..
at her hand, der were 2 free gifts..
i took 1 of it..
n she said 'another free gift give to ur husband..'
i was shockd..
is she refering to rahmat?
do i look like a married woman?
paiseh seh..
so after e 'job fair', we went to amk hub..
so far e place hv nt yet fully open..
still hv lots of shops being in process..
went up n dwn e hub..
in e end i made up my mind n go to e mc instead..
take air con n sit 4 a drink..
so der we are..
it was crowded..
bought myself my mocha milkshake..
while hes doing smthg w his hp, i search 4 jobs frm e straits time..
n he was bad..
taking photo of me w/o me knowing..
took his hp till we went our seperate ways..
tu pon he reminded me of his hp after i tap my card..
'give it to ur husband'
e joke 4 e dae..
todae wen to mrs law place to celebrate joel 1 mth bdae..
it was packd..
so e cers sat at e staircase..
it was gd to c all e batch of cers get together..
didnt stay dat long..
intend to wait 4 faz n clara to come..
but wen xin zhi wanna go, e rest too..
get a lift frm amin to np..
n accompany fit 4 window shopping..
so wen to cp to meet nisa..
wen ard cp w fit 4 a while..
wen to court n c e act frm a b sheik..
dress like makcik..
n i saw tg..
my fav..
so up i went to banquet to meet nisa..
n discuss abt dis bowling ting..