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Friday, March 30, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

i hv succeed in baking dis cake..
cheedar cheese cake..
its nt s wat u imagine..
e normal cheese cake dat u find in shops..
its like a butter cake..
but ders cheedar cubes in it..
so its calld cheedar cheese cake..
getting fat w all dis new recipes im making..
nw mom ask me to make e kueh lapis..
nw i can open a cake shop..

life is ok so far..
been free everydae..
finding a job..
but didnt even meet thier min qualificatn w wat i wan..
cnt gv up nw..
i shall continue w wat i hv plan so far..
n i hope my plan succeed..
wish me all e best ya..

10:52 PM ♥

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

e kitten hv finally go to e family..
thx to dad hu hv 'rescued' e kitten..
lucky ders dad..
hes e kitten saver 4 e nght..
he was half way eatg n he came out to get e kitten frm e gate..
e kitten was actuali climb up my neighbour gate..
n wait 4 us to go in to e hse..
which will nt b possible..
s we r worried abt e kitten safety..
if not i dnt tink e kitten is dwn w e family..
after seeing e reunite of e kitten w e others..
we actuali went up n dwn to get some fish n milk 4 dem..
e mom was thirsty n shes e 1 hu lick up e milk..
n dat was fast..
e other kittens ate e fish dat we brought 4 dem..
but not e blackie..
we succeed our mission..

11:33 PM ♥

Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

e siblings hv dis big intentn..
is to bring e kitten dwn to meet up w e rest of e family members..
but den ders 1 prob..
e siblings r scared of cats..
adq hv e intentn to carry e kitten n bring dwn..
but he scared dat he get scratches frm e kitten..
we tried many methods in bringing e kitten dwn..
but e kitten seems to b scared of us..
kak wen dwn to gv e family e milk..
but end up she got frightend frm e mom of e kitten..
e mom of e kitten tinks dat kak wanna take more of e kittens..
e kitten keep meowing n meowing..
it becomes louder n louder..
pity e kitten s well s e parents..

told kak dat faz can come dwn n help us..
but she said hes far..
so she ask to call opit dwn..
i calld opit..
hes out too..
n hes scared of cats..
hu else can i call?

10:31 PM ♥

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

27 march..
2 ppl hu i treasure most celebrate their bdae todae..
1st to siti ellyna - my pri sch best fren..
2nd to md fadhil - my 1 n onli adq..

da 20 seh..
bile aku leh rase nasi minyak kau?
try to grab pic frm elly blog of me n her..
during e ite college central carnival..
s my comp js being reboot n everyting was gone..
but sad enuf, i cnt get it frm her bloggie..
elly, send me e pic leh?

hapi 16 bdae..
wish u all e best in u o dis yr..
dnt make parents wori abt u k..
make dem hapi..
wish u all e best in future endevours..
kak su dedicate song 4 adq js nw at ria..
fiza o sang e bdae song versi lagu cindai..
n fiza o got e rong name..
instead of fadhil, she mentn fadhli..
but thx fiza o..
few hrs later, he msgd me..
n his msgs touches me most..
shall post it at e end of e entry..
cnt believe dat he msgd dat to me..
so i askd him wer he is after dat..
he told me he was walking hm..
so i plannd to switchd off e lights..
e whole hse was dark..
get ready e candles..
n he was back..
he opend e door n we sang him e bdae song..
e cake was at my hand still n i was crying at e same time..
cos he hug mom n both of dem cried..
i cnt control my emotional, n i cried w dem too..
w e cake still at my hand..
e next ting i knew, i pour e whole bowl of flour..
n make him s n old uncle w lots of white hair..
his sch pants pon jadi sasaran..
we had an open table..
mom las min cookd yong tau foo..
orderd kfc which comes 10-15mins after i calld..
dat was fast!

had such a wonderful dae..
js celebrating adq bdae..
n its a double celebratn too..
cos adq won his match todae..
acs(i) vs sa..
kp up e gd wrk!!

dis is wat he msgd me.. n will type exactly wat he hv msgd me..

1942hrs - hee thanks kak azi! thank you so v much! i love u kak azi!
1944hrs - you did everything! you've done so much for me! i love you! really grateful!

im reali touchd w ur msgs adq..
i love u too..

10:50 PM ♥

Monday, March 26, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

received a call frm aetos - auxilary police officer..
dats wat i hv applied wen i went 4 e career fair..
dey askd me if im still interestd to join dem..
dey askd me to come for an interview during ani of e weekdays..
askd me to bring my nric s well s my educatn certs..
msgd abg azmi to askd his point of view..
he told me dat to ask parents abt it den he will tell his..
so i askd eveyone in e family, including kak azra..
members told me to go n try 4 it..
kak azra said e job scope is tough..
so i msgd abg azmi back n tell e point of view..
he msgd me back dat he hv e same point of view s kak azra..
n if im still interested in joining, he will gv his support..
till nw, i still hv my 50/50 tinking abt joining..
shld i?

cous msgd me at noon n told me dat his wrk place hv no more vacancy..
he calld e hq n ders wer he get e info..
tot of taking a part time job at taka since dey hv publishd it todae at straits time..
shld i go?
or js wait another month to find a job?

10:01 PM ♥

Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

went to twn for shopping..
w sis n bro..
parents wen to jempotan at serangoon..
parked e car at al falah mosque..
wen to heeren 1st..
s dats wer bro wanna go..
in e end, he was bored..
cos e elder sis bz shopping..
nt e 2nd sis..
shes e 1 hu shops e most..
few mins she will b in front of us..
n few mins later, she will b gone..
missing in action..
bro bought 4 himself adidas bag..
due to his bdae present..
sis bought 4 him..
intend to buy dis slipper/sandal dat i hv been eyeing..
but at las didnt get myself aniting..
sis bought 3 pieces of clothes..
adq his adidas bag..
n me nothing..
its k..
at least i can save e money..
intend to hv dinner w parents at swensen..
in e end dey wen to jb..
so sis wanna try e ayam penyet at lucky plaza..
at dat time she oredi wen out frm e car park..
so she kp turning n turning ard orchard..
n end up in e same place..
she gv up abt parking at e lucky plaza n wen to park at e al falah mosque again..
n we nd to walk to lucky plaza..
wen we reach der, most of e shops close..
n dats e 1st time i step in dat lucky plaza..
took e escalator in e end cos e door lift doesnt wana close..
reachd der, it was packd..
so we orderd ayam penyet, udang penyet n ikan lele (keli) penyet..
e ayam came 1st..
startd to cemel2 e food..
e 1st impression of e sambal blacan..
pedas giler..
sis face was red wen shes eating her food..
e ppl ard us seems to b relax to eat e meal..

someone askd me abt my url..
siblings n besties noe wat does it means..
my fren askd me if dat url means someone to me in e past..
i said no..
so let me tell u wat does azazifad stands for..
its a combinatn of my other 2 siblings name..
i hope u wldnt get e rong idea abt dis..

1:59 PM ♥

Sunday, March 25, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

its e end of e wk todae..
its sun..
waiting 4 my bro to complete his hmwrk..
n e siblings will b going 4 shopping..
dik, cpt la habiskn tu hmwrk..

had a gd sleep ydae..
dreamt alot of rubbish tings..
in e end e dream stop half way due to mom..
she woke me up..
n ydae we heard a gd news frm cik ali..
abah colleague..
abah got an offer working at australia..
s a police officer..
its open to e retired policemen s well s going-to-retire policemen..
n abah is one of dem..
n e siblings js realised dat abah get dis offer along time b4 we knew it frm someone else..
even mom ask abah to go..
e siblings da brangan abt e life in australia..
wonder y abah didnt take e opportunity to go der..
its once in e life time..
go der to continue his career s a police officer..
e siblings wanna go n so do mom..
but not dad..

3:32 PM ♥

Friday, March 23, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

went back to sch earlier dis morning..
to teach e kiddies malay dance..
js bcos i was in charge of malay dance e previous trip..
n dey askd me to teachd dem..
n i dnt even remember a ting..
nt even a single ting..
so me n fauzi wen to e rm, waitd 4 e other to come..
watchd e video zapin dat i videoed 4 dem ydae..
he knew e steps..
so he scroll e songs dat i hv in e mp3..
s it was charging..
den i askd him to open dis song entitled 'smoke machine vs gamelan'
he askd me if i hv another music like dis..
so i opend a song to let him hear..
n so after so many discussions btwn e both of us..
we finally agree to hv 2 3 tings dat will b happen at e same time..
to show malay wedding, silat n malay dance..
hw i wish i can follow dem n watch dem dance..
hw i wish i can..

dotz calld me js nw..
told me dat she can view previous blog..
i was like..
its k..
ders still dis blog is living w me currently..
hope it will nt happen e same ting s e old blog k?
promise me dat mr bloggie?

7:22 PM ♥

Thursday, March 22, 2007 ♥
Lalala , Lalala Elmo's world . ♥

so here i m to make a new bloggie..
dono wat happen to e old one..
ppl cnt view my bloggie animore..
cnt read my silly, crazy entries..
miss e pics dat i load to e bloggie..
overall, i MISS my bloggie alot..

ydae had a meeting..
w e ppl, n met e new ydo..
starts after maghrib n ends ard 2230hrs..
get my bus late..
n had fear of taking e bus at nght again..
cos i nearly get dstrbd by a drunkard indian male..
n im still wondering..
y does he need to change his sitting place next to me?
msg everyone hu pop up in my mind..
calld kak azah w trembled voice..
didnt realised dat i was crying..
lucky dat he alight 2 bus stops after dat..
but e fear n smell of it is still stuck in my head..

n e smell came again wen i came back frm sch js nw..
it was in e train..
one door away frm me..
n noes a culprit soon after..
it was frm a young chinese guy..
i nearly wanna vomit wen i smell it s it reminds me abt ydae..
but lucky 4 me, i went dwn a stn after he sat nxt to me..

11:31 PM ♥

hollaa! ♥



Hate me , click here .
Love me, You're welcomed by me :D

about me ♥

nur aziah roslan
see e world on 28 dec, capricornist
taking gd care of her sony dsc h5 camera
alaf 21 book or creative enterprise if she have any.. shes lovin' it =P
loves e ppl hu is ard her, esp her family n her besties
loves to hang ard w her frens n spend time w dem
loves elmo much

1. to get her licence as soon as possible
2. to owe a dslr camera
3. to have a successful career

love who ♥

1. family and relatives
2. besties
3. classmates n kaki gereks frm cp grp, esp buddy

ear therapy ♥

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

talk to me ♥


credits ♥

Designer : smallestLOVE__
BaseCodes: ?Sweet.suicidal/:D